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Genealogy book for beginners

Genealogists love the thrill of discovery, and engaging in personal quests to uncover the identities and experiences of those who came before. Learn more in this collection of observations and practical advice by award-winning author and EasyGenie founder Ian Lamont.

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I found several things that were new to me and that is where the excitement began. ... I recommend this book to anyone who is thinking of researching genealogy and those who have been at it for a while.

Night Owl Reviews

Thanks to this author, I didn't get a full night's sleep last night. It was well-written and very informative. I only wish I had read this before I worked on my family tree.

Mike Michelsen

The In 30 Minutes series demystifies and simplifies topics that leave non-techies scratching their heads for insight, if not plain old comprehension.

Jessica Lipnack

I have found these books to be very helpful as they deal with the important items that allow one to get up and running quickly with a minimum of side issue discussion.

Dr. B. W. Langer

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